Sunday 17 August 2014

Essential equipment

So we did our research and did lots of thinking about what we would need for this dog.
So we bought a rug for our living room so that the dog has a safe place to stay on (helps the dog know the boundaries by the edging of the rug).
We worked out where the dog would stay sleep and always be returned to if picked up. We all agreed on using the word 'bed' as well.
We bought a personalised dog lead, we went for blue with white writing. It is personalised with BLIND DOG on it so that warns other dog owners and people passing. We found out that it can be very frightening for the dog if random people come up to it and pet it, as well as letting other dog owners to try and stop their dogs coming up to Dolly. We bought the lead off Amazon as it was easier to personalise.
We bought a personalised harness (to help her know when she is going on a walk) with glow in the dark writing. We bought a padded one so that it is comfortable for her as it is not about controlling her .
We got her dog charm and had it personalised with 'I am a blind dog.' Of course with her name and our number as well as the detail that she is microchipped.
We bought a soft fabric crate for travels and for get visits as she will be able to smell and hear things better when travelling in the car or visiting friends/family.
We haven't bought her a dog bed as she is still a puppy and would more than likely chew it. So she has a cardboard box with fleece blanket. This also saves an additional costs and a fight amongst our little family as we all wanted a different bed for Dolly.
Our little one chose the puppy treats (in preparation for meeting Dolly for her 2nd vaccination).
We are also looking at getting a fabric pet playpen as we will be able to take it with us to the park and she will have some freedom as well as being able to put it up in our backyard or house. Less hassle than a metal pen.
We haven't bought the long lead yet for her to go to open spaces and run around with as our little family is still debating the colour and pattern!
Friends of ours are giving us their puppy crate which we will use while we are out as she will have clear boundaries and space that is hers.
We are also looking at getting a water drinking fountain as she will be able to hear where her water and food is when not in her crate.
We have of course looked into more toys, they are all saved on our Amazon wishlist! There are some great scented ones and ones that make noises. But we have years to buy these...

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