Saturday 2 August 2014

In the beginning...

We always wanted to get a dog, but with moving around a lot it never seemed the right time. A friend of ours, her shih tzu had puppies. She wanted to know if we wanted one, we weren't really sure...
Then we found out that one of them only had one eye so she wouldn't be able to see very well. So we thought maybe. We had huge reservations as the puppy was only 7 weeks old. Our friend said that the puppy had a lovely personality and that she wasn't overly excitable. So again we thought maybe....

So we agreed to see the puppies as we needed to rule the puppy in or out. Plus we had the added pressure of agreeing with our little one that we would get a pet at some point (we didn't let on about the puppy though). So we went to our friend's house and saw the 6 puppies. Then other 5 puppies were as expected jumping, excitable, nipping and curious about us. They licked everything and everyone!

Dolly (puppy's name) walked around the edge and walked in and out of our legs. She didn't really stop and occasionally she would do a little (what appeared to be) a hop skip and a jump. She was the one that ventured farther away than any of the other puppies. We picked her up and she was calm in our arms and gave us the gracious lick. I put my finger in her mouth to check for cleft palate as I had read that a dog with one eye could be symptomatic of this. She was fine and even had a good nibble of my finger.
Our friend got the food out to feed the puppies as we were worried about her being the runt of the litter. The food was put out and the other puppies dived right and Dolly hesitated but then jumped into the middle and scattered the food by digging in the bowl. The other puppies ate from the scattered food and Dolly got the bowl to herself. So we had no worries about her being the runt!
So we left after having lots of puppy cuddles but not giving any promises as we needed to think about  having a dog with one eye.

Research that we had found before meeting the puppy was:

congenital eye defects Caring for a blind dog from birth

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