Tuesday 5 August 2014

Vet check and first vaccinations

So I took Dolly to the local vets. The vet was really understanding and amazing. Dolly surprised us both by easily coming out of the crate and started investigating immediately. So she is definitely not a shy dog!
The vet checked her missing eye and surrounding area, this was fine but she agreed that it would be easier in the future for her to have it stitched up to avoid infection. The vet recommended that we do this when she was being spayed (we weren't planning to breed her) and it can be done when she is under the anaesthetic. The vet said this could be done in the morning and she would be able to go home one evening.
The vet then checked her other eye and tested her sight. She used her finger to approach Dolly from different directions - sadly no reactions. The vet then tried the flicking close to an eye (normally we would blink or flinch) but sadly Dolly showed no response again. The vet then took a biscuit and held out her hand and it was clear that Dolly couldn't see it and was smelling around for it. The vet said that it would appear that Dolly is blind but that she could go to a proper dog ophthalmologist about it for a definite response. I said it wasn't necessary.
The rest of the examine that the vet did seemed to overwhelm Dolly as she didn't know what was happening. We managed to reassure her by talking and holding her.
The saddest bit was when she had her vaccination because she just had no idea what the vet was going to do. However she got over it in 5 mins and was back to sniffing around and investigating. We had to make sure that she didn't walk off the table as she couldn't see that it was an edge.
But otherwise Dolly was good. So I booked in for her second vaccination in 2 weeks time.

I took her back to our friend's and explained that the puppy was blind. They were surprised as she didn't seem to walk into things and 30secs later she walked into the table! Bless her! So we said that we wanted a bit more time to think about it as we had thought she had some sight in her other eye. So more thinking.....

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